tick, tick,
the clock counts,
ticking away from 2013,
tick, tick,
it seems so slow,
waiting too long for 2014,
tick, tick,
365 days is gone slowly but steady,
tick, tick,
2014 has just began to count,
please be swift now,
tick, tick,
time fleets away,
so does our lives,
tick, tick,
how much of your breath remains
as another 365 days starts counting.
the clock counts,
ticking away from 2013,
tick, tick,
it seems so slow,
waiting too long for 2014,
tick, tick,
365 days is gone slowly but steady,
tick, tick,
2014 has just began to count,
please be swift now,
tick, tick,
time fleets away,
so does our lives,
tick, tick,
how much of your breath remains
as another 365 days starts counting.