In this 21st
Century, like our wireless phones that connects us anytime at the physical
We must realize that we are souls and must be ceaselessly connected to one another with love at the soul levels.
21st Century’
Our Phone: - wireless!
Cooking: - fireless!
Food: - fatless!
Dress: - sleeveless!
Youth: - jobless!
Leaders: - shameless!
Relations: - meaningless!
Attitude: - careless!
Feelings: - heartless!
Education: - valueless!
But still, Our Hopes: - Endless!
Angel Kiran
We must realize that we are souls and must be ceaselessly connected to one another with love at the soul levels.
In this 21st
Century, we have learned the art of cooking fireless,
We must realize
that greater fire burns within us seeking to bind all God’s creations with love.
In this 21st
Century, we have come to understand what food our body does not need,
So, we must understand
that just as some foods are not good for our body so also eating certain foods
destroys our planet – Earth.
In this 21st
Century, our dresses are increasingly sleeveless maybe due to excessive heat or
lost of moral dress sense,
Let us not forget
to wear long sleeves when it is necessary.
In this 21st
Century, the youths are jobless and society is increasingly individualized and
We must take collective
steps to engage the youths in creative endeavours.
In this 21st Century,
leaders have become shameless and not mindful of the consequences of their
We must not
inhibit proper way of conduct whether in private or in public.
In this 21st
Century, relations have become meaningless,
We must continue
to accommodate, increase our tolerance and make meaning out of all situations.
In this 21st
Century, our attitude is increasingly careless,
We must increase
gratitude to one another and most importantly, to the Almighty.
In this 21st
Century, our feelings are heartless,
We must realize
that what we feel in thoughts will manifest in words and deeds so, better
thoughts springs forth good feelings and we become more caring.
In this 21st
Century, the education we acquire has become valueless,
We must realize
that education have to go well with our human essence and not on mere
In this 21st
Century, our hopes are endless and ever increasing,
We must not cease
to hope on good future because that is the way of life.
This note, “In this 21st Century,” was inspired by
Angel Kiran’s wall post on Facebook:
21st Century’
Our Phone: - wireless!
Cooking: - fireless!
Food: - fatless!
Dress: - sleeveless!
Youth: - jobless!
Leaders: - shameless!
Relations: - meaningless!
Attitude: - careless!
Feelings: - heartless!
Education: - valueless!
But still, Our Hopes: - Endless!
Angel Kiran