I do not contend to change my friends or the world but myself.
I do not contend to change the world. All I am contending with is not to be swayed by the ways of the world.
I do not intend to change you, my friends.
My contention is to change myself towards my ultimate goal in life - self-knowledge and God-knowledge.
Let the world be and continue in its ways. My friends may you be who your MAKER intend you to be.
My prayers are within - may I no longer notice the world around me. May I be content to live within and not to look without.
Like the Swan who lives on the water but flies out of it dry and unstained and, so be it for me.
The entanglements of the world are many but, may I not be enticed. May I not pertake in the feasting of the world. Rather, may I be content with my dry "garri."
The feasting of the world makes for great distraction and leads to illness. But if I am within, I experience no illness.
My Beloved, let Thy Will be done in my Life.