Whatever way you feel about me does not matter to me.
You decide what your perception is and I decide my perception.
If I must be influenced by you then, it must be the life you live.
You can bully, harass or victimize me, but you cannot instill fear in me.
I was born as love, with love and have grown up through love.
Love is my nature and I do not see fear talk less of accepting if from you.
If you think you will make me uncomfortable and lead me to think outside the scope of love,
then look behind, someone is watching you.
You are already exposed and your frustrations shown copiously on your facial expression.
Be reminded, love does not harm and cannot be harmed
Why struggle against yourself, you are love just like me.
Dissolve all your hatred and rage for it is fire that burns its carrier and not its target.
Embrace yourself as love and think no evil of any human, for inside us, there God sits.