Religion is not
the pathway to God,
it does not lead anywhere but here – the earth plane.
that will lead all God’s creatures back to their Eternal Home.
it does not lead anywhere but here – the earth plane.
Religion, an
hindrance to spiritual development,
is a setback for
all God’s creatures on the pathway to God.
disguised and presented in peace clothing,
destroys anything
that preaches love.
Oh Dagogo, the
path Godwards cannot be found in religion.
“Love thy
neighbour as thyself”is the pathway that will lead all God’s creatures back to their Eternal Home.
No scriptures has
ever described God’s abode
as a place for
many discriminating religions, as it is on earth.
The Will of God
in Heaven is pure pristine worship in Love,
devoid of any
religious affirmations, incantations or rituals.
Oh dear, resist
religion that only care for the one of its kind and likeness,
but embrace Love
that knows no discriminations.